Sponsored Jockeys

Tuffa Boots Sponsored Jockeys


Harry Atkins

It's time to give a warm welcome to our newest Tuffa Sponsored Conditional Jockey, Harry Atkins!  We couldn't be more excited to have him on board.

Fun fact: Harry has been a Tuffa fan since he was younger and
rocked our Malton Jockey boots for Pony Racing. And now, he's upgraded to our Cheltenham Jockey boots!

We are beyond pleased to support Harry in his racing career with the talented Dan Skelton. We can't wait to see what this season holds for Harry.

National Hunt Jockey

James Smith

Our Newest Sponsored Jockey, based in Ireland James Smith is a conditional National Hunt Jockey.

He wears our Jonjo O'Neil Race boots.

Professional jockey

Marc Goldstein

We are delighted to sponsor Marc Goldstein as our Professional jockey this year.

Marc needs no introduction as The Pwoducer from WocketWoy fame.

Marc has many years of experience and multiple wins and placings.

Both Jamie and Marc have won their first time out wearing our sponsored breeches and the O'Neill Race Boot.

point to point

Jack Wilmot

pony racING

Bracken Fobbester

They compete locally in riding club events, as well as hunting with the Bloodhounds

Bracken also pony races in the Point to Point,  and Pony Club Series with her pony Chiddock Small Time with her Malton Race Boots.